Info-Mac Archive Downloads: sci/ Science-Math
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243 files
Show all abstracts inline (can get big for really old Macs)
- 1997 Hubble Space Telescope Images (1997-hst.hqx)
- 3DFunctions 2.2.1 (3d-functions-221.hqx)
- 3D Parametric Equations - Export math figures to Rotater (3d-param-eq.hqx)
- 3D Terrain Mapper v0.1.7 (3d-terrain-modeling-017.hqx)
- 3DMF for MATHEMATICA 1.3.1 (3dmf-for-mathematica-131.hqx)
- AAO-Clusters and Nebulae (aao-clusters-and-nebulae.hqx)
- (ams-31.hqx)
- AppleTree1.3.3 - a statistics tool for multinomial modeling (appletree-133.hqx)
- Arithmeticus-de.hqx (arithmeticus-de.hqx)
- Arithmeticus.hqx (arithmeticus.hqx)
- astro202.hqx - MacAstronomica 2.0.2 for Mac OS X (astro-202.hqx)
- AtmOps Library (atm-ops.hqx)
- Atom in a Box - Real-time Quantum Orbitals for Macintosh (atom-in-a-box.hqx)
- bs2000free.hqx: Ball & Stick - Molecular Graphics (ball-and-stick-376.hqx)
- Ballistik 5.4.4_de (ballistik-544-de.hqx)
- Ballistik Pro 1.0b5 (ballistik-pro.hqx)
- BibGene 1.2.2 (bibgene.hqx)
- BioAssistant-11-fat (bioassistant-11-fat.hqx)
- CESLab3.0b0.sit.hqx: 3-D cardiac electrophysiological simulator (ces-lab-30b0.hqx)
- ChemViewer3D-1.1 (chem-viewer-3d-11.hqx)
- ChemBuddy 1.0.3 for Mac OS X (chembuddy-103.hqx)
- ChemLetter0.61E (chemletter.hqx)
- Clear Skies! v.1.1 (clear-skies-11.hqx)
- CombiStat 1.1 (combistat-11.hqx)
- Complex Adaptive Systems (complex-adaptive-systems.hqx)
- Contours (contours-ppc-10.hqx)
- ConverTable Units X 2.2.sit.hqx abstract and file (convert-table-units-22-x.hqx)
- ConverTableUnits22.sit.hqx abstract and file (convert-table-units-22.hqx)
- Coordinates 2.4.3 - Planetary Surface Coordinate Calculator (coords-243.hqx)
- CR-Calculator 1.0. A chemical reaction calculator. (cr-calculator-10.hqx)
- CrystalDesigner 7.0 (crystal-designer-70.hqx)
- CrystalDiffract 3.0.2 posted on ftp server (crystal-diffract-302.hqx)
- CrystalDiffract 3.0.5 - free scientific software (crystal-diffract-305.hqx)
- The correct CrystalMaker 5.1.3 demo (crystalmaker-513b.hqx)
- Curvus Pro 2.5 E (curvus-pro-25.hqx)
- Curvz Builder 1.0.2 - graph maker (curvz-builder-102.hqx)
- CyberRay 1.5.1 (cyber-ray-151.hqx)
- dataloom1_1.sit.hqx - Multivariate Data Visualization (data-loom.hqx)
- DesignWorks (designworks-401-demo-ppc.hqx)
- Desktop Cray (desktop-cray.hqx)
- mac dicom viewer & source (dicom-viewer.hqx)
- DisSolver - binary and abstract (dis-solver.hqx)
- DLA (dla.hqx)
- DrBeamProDemo (dr-beam-pro-demo.hqx)
- DropDEM/S(68k) - USGS SDTS DEM Translator (dropdem.hqx)
- DesignWorksLite 4.0.2 (dw-lite-402.hqx)
- DesignWorks 4.0 - Schematic Editor (dwm-demo-4011-ppc.hqx)
- Dynamical Systems - submission (dynamical-systems.hqx)
- EcoMunch 1.0 (ecomunch-10.hqx)
- Edible Landscaping 4.7 (edible-landscaping-47.hqx)
- EG&G/MCS file converter 1.5 (egg-mcs-file-converter-15.hqx)
- ElemFin-1.2.1-PPC-fr.sea.hqx (elemfin-121-ppc-fr.hqx)
- ElemFin-1.2.1-PPC (elemfin-121-ppc.hqx)
- embossRUNNER-1.1.1.sit.hqx (emboss-runner-111.hqx)
- E(MS)1.1 - A HyperCard stack determining expected mean squares (ems-11.hqx)
- "Equalizer" (equalizer-sampler.hqx)
- Equation Solver (equation-solver.hqx)
- EscapeFractals 1.3 (escape-fractals.hqx)
- FlightMath 1.1 (flight-math-11.hqx)
- FoldIt_light_475.hqx (fold-it-light-475.hqx)
- FolderBuilder 1.3 (folder-builder-13.hqx)
- Fractal Generation 1.3 (fractal-generation-13.hqx)
- Fractals 2.0 (fractals-20.hqx)
- (g-lab-e-453-demo.hqx)
- Galaxy Collider 1.0.0 (galaxy-collider-100.hqx)
- GC/MS Reader (gcms-reader-demo.hqx)
- geditcom-291.hqx (gedit-com-291.hqx)
- Gene 4.3.4 (gene-434.hqx)
- general-edit-demo-100 (general-edit-demo-100.hqx)
- Abstract for "Genetic Function Finder.sit.hqx" (generic-function-finder.hqx)
- GEOBox 2.1 german (geobox-21-ppc-de.hqx)
- GEOBox 2.1 ppc international (geobox-21-ppc.hqx)
- GEOBox cbd-coordinates Africa (geobox-cbd-coord-africa.hqx)
- GEOBox cbd-coordinates America (geobox-cbd-coord-america.hqx)
- GEOBox cbd-mapset Asia (geobox-cbd-coord-asia.hqx)
- GEOBox cbd-coordinates Europe (geobox-cbd-coord-europe.hqx)
- GEOMETRIX-1.2.0-68k (geometrix-120-fr-68k.hqx)
- Geometrix PPC 1.4.0 fr (geometrix-140-fr-ppc.hqx)
- Geometrix-X-1.4.0 (geometrix-140-x.hqx)
- Gerry's Attraction 3.0 (View Lorenz and Rossler Attractors in 3D) (gerrys-attraction.hqx)
- GLMStat 5.7.5;Generalized linear models (glm-stat-575.hqx)
- GLMStat X 5.7.7;Generalized linear models (Mac OS X) (glm-stat-x-577.hqx)
- gpower212 (gpower-212.hqx)
- GPSView 1.0.0 (gps-view-10.hqx)
- GrafEq 2.10 PPC - Mathematical relation graphing software (grafeq-210-ppc.hqx)
- Graphin' Stuph Again (graphin-stuph-again.hqx)
- Halley Maps (halley-maps.hqx)
- HeartCalc (heartcalc-11-68k.hqx)
- (heartcalc-11-ppc.hqx)
- HICAP 1.6 (hicap-16.hqx)
- Intelligent Chaos 1.5 (ic-15-ppc.hqx)
- Iterated Function Systems, version 1.0.4 (ifs-104.hqx)
- IGOR Pro Demo Help Files (igor-pro-demo-help-files.hqx)
- iOligo primer designer v1.0 (ioligo.hqx)
- Isoptikon (isoptikon.hqx)
- JDicomViewer1.2 (jdicom-viewer-12.hqx)
- Kines&Kinetics (kines-kinetics-011-hc.hqx)
- Layout Freeware 7.65 (circuit board CAD) (layout-freeware-765.hqx)
- Leibniz (leibniz.hqx)
- Library ISBN Barcoder (library-isbn-barcoder-101.hqx)
- LifeLab 4.1 (lifelab-41.hqx)
- Lines&Kinetics (lines-kinetics-10.hqx)
- MacAstronomica 2.0.5 for Mac OS X (mac-astronomica-205.hqx)
- MacCurveFit 1.5.5 (mac-curve-fit-15.hqx)
- mac dicom viewer & source (mac-dicom-viewer.hqx)
- MacEME_1.2.2.hqx (mac-eme-122.hqx)
- MacGPS 0.7.3 (mac-gps-073.hqx)
- OnScreen-Particle-Demo.sit.hqx (mac-onscreen-demo.hqx)
- MacVenns 1.3.1 (mac-venns-13.hqx)
- MacBreadboard (macbreadboard.hqx)
- MacCamWorkShop (maccam.hqx)
- MacDose (macdose-distribution.hqx)
- MacScene 1.1! (macscene-11.hqx)
- macspice3f4-ppc-25 (macspice-3f4-ppc-25.hqx)
- Mactivation 3.3 Neural Network Simulator (mactivation-33.hqx)
- MAGE v1.0.2 (Update) (mage-102.hqx)
- Many Moons 1.0.0, offbeat calendrical program (many-moons.hqx)
- (mc-hurricane-329.hqx)
- MedLibMgr 4.0 (med-lib-mgr-40.hqx)
- MetricMaster (metric-master.hqx)
- Midius ProjectPlanner 1.2 (midius-project-planner-12.hqx)
- MLGraphics Application 1.0 (ml-graphics-application-10.hqx)
- MLGraphics Package 1.0 (ml-graphics-package-10.hqx)
- MLQuickDraw3D 1.0 (ml-quick-draw-3d-10.hqx)
- Moon Tool 1.0.1 (moon-tool-101.hqx)
- MoonMenu 2.0.2J - Japanese version (moonmenu-203-jp.hqx)
- Move 1.6.2 (move-162.hqx)
- MPj Astro 1.5.1 (mpj-astro-151s.hqx)
- MWCalculus 3.0.1 (mw-calculus-301.hqx)
- Newton's Aquarium 1.0 Demo 68K: A Solar System Constructio (na-10-demo-68k.hqx)
- Newton's Aquarium 1.0 Demo FPU: A Solar System Constructio (na-10-demo-fpu.hqx)
- Newton's Aquarium 1.1 Demo PPC: A Solar System Construction Set (na-11-demo-ppc.hqx)
- Neural Network 1.0b - Backpropagation Neural Network - _Science (neural-network-10b.hqx)
- the Noble Ape Simulation 0.659 Carbon (noble-ape-0659-cbn.hqx)
- the Noble Ape Simulation 0.659 Source Code (noble-ape-0659-src.hqx)
- the Noble Ape Simulation 0.659 (noble-ape-0659.hqx)
- N0ONG Ultimeter II Display (noong-ultimiter-ii.hqx)
- N0ONG Wind Chill Calculator (noong-wind-chill.hqx)
- NRJ-dule, energy in life multimedia interactive simulation (nrj-dule.hqx)
- Number Theory (number-theory.hqx)
- ODLog for Macintosh version 1.1.2 (od-log-112.hqx)
- Orbit 1.3.4 (orbit-134.hqx)
- Orbit3d 1.0 (orbit-3d-10.hqx)
- Orrery 1.2 - Solar System Animation (orrery-12.hqx)
- Pangaea 1.2.1 (pangaea-121.hqx)
- PCBWarrior 1.09e (pcb-warrior-109.hqx)
- Peach 1.0 (peach-10.hqx)
- Periodic Table 3.3.3 (periodic-table-333.hqx)
- Periodic Table X 3.3.3 (periodic-table-x-333.hqx)
- Petri Dish 2.0 (petridish-20.hqx)
- PiPhilology 11 : A collection of Pi mnemonics in several languages (pi-philology-11.hqx)
- Planet 8.1 (planet-81.hqx)
- Planet Earth 1.0.2 (planet-earth-102.hqx)
- PlastFEM D-2.0 - Finite Element Program (German Version) (plast-fem-20-de.hqx)
- PlastFEM 2.0 - Finite Element Program (plast-fem-20.hqx)
- Plot3D 2.1.0, QuickDraw3D models of functions and data (plot3d-for-pro-fit.hqx)
- Point Recorder 1.2.0 68k (point-recorder-12-68k.hqx)
- Point Recorder 1.2.0 ppc (point-recorder-12-ppc.hqx)
- Polychem2 (polychem-2-demo.hqx)
- PowerCalc 3.1 (powercalc-jm-31.hqx)
- PowerCalc Lite 3.1 (powercalc-lite-jm-31.hqx)
- pro Fit 5.1.2 Trial (pro-fit-51-trial.hqx)
- ProCreation Life 1.2 - Fast A-Life Simulator (procreation-life-12.hqx)
- Protractor 2.4.1 (protractor-241.hqx)
- PTGrapher (ptg.hqx)
- Quantum Fog1.6 (quantum-fog-16.hqx)
- QuickChi 1.1 (quick-chi-11.hqx)
- Rampe(EM)3.0.5 (rampe-305.hqx)
- Random digit of pi of the day (random-digi-to-fpi.hqx)
- Random Number Generator v1.2 (random-number-generator-12.hqx)
- Regress+ v 2.3.1 (regress-231.hqx)
- Math/Statistics Program: Regression 2.1 (regression-21.hqx)
- Repeating Decimals 1.1 (repeating-decimals-11.hqx)
- RootLocs 3.7 (root-locs-37.hqx)
- scihang2.0 (sci-hang-20-hc.hqx)
- ScopeDriver 1.2.1 (scope-driver-121.hqx)
- SequenceSketcher 1.0.6 (sequence-sketcher-106.hqx)
- Siemensstern 1.9.1 (siemensstern-191.hqx)
- Sierpinski-Triangeln 1-swe.sit (sierpinski-triangeln-1-swe.hqx)
- Please add to sci/ (simple-beam-demo-cg.hqx)
- Smnd20 (smnd-20.hqx)
- spice-3f4-176 Analog Circuit Simulator (spice-3f4-176.hqx)
- "SpringCAD" (spring-cad-online.hqx)
- starry-night-basic-213-j.hqx (starry-night-basic-213-jp.hqx)
- STATsimple 2.0.5 (stat-simple-205.hqx)
- StdMap 3.7 (std-map-37.hqx)
- StEp 1.0 (step-10-sp.hqx)
- Structurix PPC 1.0.0 French (structurix-10-fr.hqx)
- Structurix PPC 1.0.0 en (structurix-10-ppc.hqx)
- Syllogism 1.0 (syllogism-10.hqx)
- Tachometer Pack (tachometer-pack.hqx)
- Thalassemia (thalassemia.hqx)
- The Atomic Mac OSX 5.3.0 (the-atomic-mac-53-osx.hqx)
- The Atomic Mac 5.3.0 (the-atomic-mac-53-ppc.hqx)
- TotoTurbo 2.0 (toto-turbo-20.hqx)
- Trajecmulator 1.0 E (trajecmulator-10.hqx)
- Truss 6.0.2 demo (truss-602.hqx)
- TurboMCS Controller (turbo-mcs-controller.hqx)
- TWAIN for MathLink 1.0 (twain-for-mathlink-10.hqx)
- VSEPRplex 1.1.7 (vp-117-demo-68k.hqx)
- VSEPRplex 1.1.7 (vp-117-demo-fpu.hqx)
- VSEPRplex 1.1.7 (vp-117-demo-ppc.hqx)
- vrealityengine (vreality-engine.hqx)
- WhizGraph 1.0 - data analysis and graphic presentation (whiz-graph-10.hqx)
- YP Atwood 1.0 (physics, french version) (yp-atwood-10-fr.hqx)
- YP Atwood 1.0 (physics) (yp-atwood-10.hqx)
- YP Bielle-Manivelle 1.1 (yp-bielle-manivelle-11.hqx)
- YP Champ Electrique 1.0 (YP Electric Field in french) (yp-champ-electrique-10-fr.hqx)
- YP Circuits CC 2.0 (french version of YP DC Circuits) (yp-circuits-cc-20.hqx)
- YP Circulaire 1.0.2 (physics simulation software, french version) (yp-circulaire-102-fr.hqx)
- YP Circular 1.0.2 (physics simulation software) (yp-circular-102.hqx)
- YP Collisions 1.0 (French version) (yp-collisions-10-fr.hqx)
- YP Collisions 1.0 (for physics teachers) (yp-collisions-10.hqx)
- YP Croix de Malte 1.0 (french version of YP Geneva Mechanism) (yp-croix-de-malte-10-fr.hqx)
- YP DC Circuits 2.0 (simulation of an electric circuit) (yp-dc-circuits-20.hqx)
- YP Electric Field 1.0 (for physics teachers) (yp-electric-field-10.hqx)
- YP Engrenage 1.0.1 (french version of YP Gear) (yp-engrenage-101-fr.hqx)
- Engrenage Planetaire 1.0.1 (yp-engrenage-planetaire.hqx)
- YP Force Magnetique 1.0 (physics, french version) (yp-force-magnetique-10.hqx)
- YP Gear 1.0.1 (for science & technology teachers) (yp-gear-101.hqx)
- YP Geneva Mechanism 1.0 (mechanical engineering) (yp-geneva-mechanism-10.hqx)
- YP Image 1.0.1 (French version) (yp-image-101-fr.hqx)
- YP Image 1.0.1 (Learn about image formation by mirrors and lenses) (yp-image-101.hqx)
- YP Magnetic Force 1.0 (physics) (yp-magnetic-force-10.hqx)
- YP Mouvement Rectiligne 1.0 (french version of YP Rectilinear Motion) (yp-mouvement-rectiligne-10.hqx)
- YP Ombre 1.0 (YP Shadow in French) (yp-ombre-10-fr.hqx)
- YP Ondes 1.0 (YP Waves in french) (yp-ondes-10.hqx)
- YP Pendule Simple 1.0 (french version of YP Simple Pendulum) (yp-pendule-simple-10.hqx)
- Planetary Gear 1.0.1 (yp-planetary-gear-101.hqx)
- YP Projectiles 1.1F (French version) (yp-projectiles-11-fr.hqx)
- YP Projectiles 1.1 (for physics teachers) (yp-projectiles-11.hqx)
- YP Rectilinear Motion 1.0 (learn kinematics with your Mac) (yp-rectilinear-motion-10.hqx)
- YP Reflection 1.0.3 (physics simulation software) (yp-reflection-103.hqx)
- YP Reflexion (french version, physics simulation software) (yp-reflexion-103-fr.hqx)
- YP Refraction (french version) (yp-refraction-10-fr.hqx)
- YP Refraction 1.0 (for physics teachers) (yp-refraction-10.hqx)
- YP Shadow 1.0 (for physics teachers) (yp-shadow-10.hqx)
- YP Simple Pendulum 1.0 (simulation for physics teaching) (yp-simple-pendulum-10.hqx)
- YP Slider Crank 1.1 (yp-slider-crank-11.hqx)
- YP Vecteurs 1.0 (mathematics-physics, french version) (yp-vecteurs-10.hqx)
- YP Vectors 1.0 (mathematics-physics) (yp-vectors-10.hqx)
- YP Vernier 1.1fr (Learn how to read a vernier, french version) (yp-vernier-11-fr.hqx)
- YP Vernier 1.1 (Learn how to read a vernier caliper) (yp-vernier-11.hqx)