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Newton UniTaipei Chinese-Japanese font (unitaipei-x.hqx)

Download unitaipei-x.hqx (426,086 KB)

Subject: Newton UniTaipei Chinese-Japanese font

UniTaipeiX is a port of free X-Window fonts to Newton platform. UniTaipeiX
patches Newton's system font so that you can read and write Chinese and
Japanese if you have the proper input methods installed. Also included in
UniTaipeiX is a set of Cyrillic alphabets. In the Unicode envronment on
Newton, you can mix West European languages with Chinese, Japanese, Russian,
Bulgarian.... as you wish. Freeware.


Joseph C.H. Chen

Computer Science Department, University of Hamburg
+49-40-5494-2523 (O)
+49-40-2517827-1 (H)

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