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Styles" Let It Snow! for K2.1.1 (let-it-snow.hqx)

Download let-it-snow.hqx (156,869 KB)

Subject: Styles" Let It Snow! for K2.1.1

Let It Snow! was created for those who live snow and skiing.
It has skiers in the windows and scrollbars and has custom
trash and folders. It also has a custom cursor, along with
disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern, ski
window background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
There is also a separate folder of desktop patterns, one by
Bill Paris. It can only be used in K2. Shareware. See my page
for new lower pricing and other previews of my 103 schemes at: