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CustomCompanyFolders 1.0 (custom-company-folders.hqx)

Download custom-company-folders.hqx (58,610 KB)

Subject: CustomCompanyFolders 1.0

CustomCompanyFolders 1.0

Hello, and thank you for downloading this shareware product. I hope the name
wasn't to mis-leading. I'm trying to say that with letters from the alphabet I
can create a lot of custom designed initialized folders.

They could be:

1. Your Name (short like Al, Ann, Joe, Pat etc.)
2. Your initials (2 to 3 with or without periods)
3. Your company logo (with initials only, like MMI, MM Inc., in-line straight
or slanted)
4. Computer related folders like Inits, EXTS, Apps, Inet etc.

So I've just included a set of A thru Z folders for $2 sharerware and an
invitation for you to contact me with your ideas of what type of "custom"
folders you might like. It's kind of like that key chain rack of names you see
in gift shops when traveling............. Your standing there shuffling
through to see if they have a "JIM" left that you could buy.

Some suggested uses for these $2 shareware "Initial Folders" that I hope
you'll purchase:

Use the "A" folder on the desktop or anywhere, for aliases, or Applications.
Use "C" for Cyberdog or "D" for Downloads. I think you get the picture.