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mygod.hqx (mystery-god.hqx)

Download mystery-god.hqx (2,781,596 KB)

Subject: mygod.hqx

If you were lucky when you were growing up, you had the opportunity to play "Mystery Date", an only slightly challenging board game in which girls tried to find the best mates. When the door opened, they hoped the caller would be the "Dream" and not the "Dud."

"Why not," thought the rabbit, "apply these same rules to religion? After all, some gods are dreams, and some are definitely duds!" Hence, the Mystery God, an exciting application which allows you to be randomly assigned one of several fascinating deities! Led by your spiritual guide, Steve the Cat, your pulse will quicken and your nether regions engorge with blood as the door to Eternity swings open, revealing the Mystery God you have chosen!

All Naked Rabbit programs require at least 4Mb RAM, 256 colors, and a sense of humor. Each comes in a self-extracting archive.

Naked Rabbit € P.O. Box 36673 € Los Angeles € CA € 90036 €

Naked Rabbit P.O. Box 36673 LA CA 90036