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Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1993 15:15:41 +0800 (WST)
From: "Casper A. Boon"
Subject: lpDaemon - a BSD compatible printer daemon for the mac
lpDaemon and LPR
lpDaemon is a utility that implements the Berkeley Line Printer Protocols on
the Macintosh. It normally spools postscript file sent from a unix host and
sends them to a LaserWriter on the Mac network.
LPR is an lpDaemon client that submits jobs to a printer queue. Typically a
text file is to a unix print queue.
lpDaemon and LPR run under system 7 and require MacTCP.
Casper Boon
April 1993
Casper A. Boon,
Computer Science Programme,
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences,
Murdoch University, South Street, PHONE: (09) 360 2790
Murdoch, Western Australia, 6150. OVERSEAS: +61 9 360 2790
Content-Type: APPLICATION/octet-stream; name="lpDaemon332.src.cpt.hqx"