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KanjiCPreProcessor 1.2 (kanji-c-preprocessor-c.hqx)

Download kanji-c-preprocessor-c.hqx (6,236 KB)

From: Mikaeru
Subject: KanjiCPreProcessor 1.2

Japanese Shift-JIS C/C++/Rez pre-processor - free source code

KanjiCPreProcessor.c is the source code of a basic filter for C, C++, and
Rez source files, which strips all the comments, and replaces in strings
all the
Shift-JIS double-byte characters whose second byte happens to be a
backslash with their equivalent octal escape sequences, so that the source
files can be successfully compiled even when the compiler is not truly
multibyte-savvy, or when the Japanese script is not supported by the system
the compiler is running on...

Note: This code has been successfully compiled with CodeWarrior Discovery
Programming Edition 4, using the following project stationery:
MacOS : C_C++ : Standard Console : Std C Console 68K
In addition, "ANSI strict" must be explicitly turned *off* in the C/C++
Language Settings Panel.

Disclaimer: This source code is provided "as is" and is free for you to
use, at your own risk. Please let me know of any bugs or suggestions for

--Michel MARIANI (a.k.a. Mikaeru)

Mikaeru Software: