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Flame - 0.9 (flame-09.hqx)

Download flame-09.hqx (104,915 KB)

From: (Ellrott)
Subject: Flame - 0.9

Flame - 0.9
by Kyle Ellrott
This is a very simple set of subprograms that will allow you to create flame
effects. What more can I say, it lets you burn things.
Plans for the future:

- Work in other other color types then just 8-bit indexed
- A sin wave variation on the flame path
- Some assembly to speed up key parts
- Just make it faster
- Burn down a building
Legal junk
I coded this as a practice, and also because I like to burn things.
All I really want is a nice mention in any program that you use this
in, and maybe a nice e-mail, that I can burn.

Kyle Ellrott